When I first started doing yoga, I did not know its benefits. 

I had a general idea about what it is by listening to other people’s share of experiences, but I didn’t know how it would significantly impact my life.

Back then, it was something cool to do, something that would make me part of a community that seemed I had a place in. 

It was only after my holistic therapist insisted on practicing yoga because my spine was not aligned (so was my life at the time) that I decided to start.

As if I was prescribed a medicine that would cure an illness, leaving aside any resistance I had, every little voice in my head telling me there was no time to start practicing, I decided to start.

Little did I know it would offer me far more than I expected. In just three months after practicing consistently, I noticed a difference in how I felt and cope with the challenges in my life.

At that exact time, I decided to explore yoga and became a lifelong student.

So, let me share some of the things I’ve learned and how yoga can benefit you, too.


  1. It connects you to your breath. 

That sounds very obvious, but it’s not!

Let me tell you that you probably don’t breathe right. What do I mean by that? In your everyday life, you don’t pay attention to your breath. Try to do so, and you will notice that your breath is quick and shallow. That means you activate the Sympathetic nervous system that prepares you to fight or flight. You are in stress mode the whole time.

When you start practicing yoga and become aware of your breath through pranayama and during asanas, your breath deepens and has a slower pace. That means you activate the Parasympathetic nervous system, which enables you to feel calm and present.


  1. You learn how to listen to your body.

While practicing yoga, you start paying attention to your body and how it feels during the lesson. You are asked to become aware of the sensations that arise during the practice (even the unpleasant ones) and stay with them with no judgment. 

That is not something you do in your everyday life, where you are probably asked to ignore any feelings you have and are instructed to keep doing things no matter what.

In yoga, you learn how to listen to your body, observe its feelings, and see what feels good or not during the practice.

If you extend that in your everyday life, believe me when I say this but this information can only help you make better decisions.


  1. It teaches you how to befriend your mind.

If you are anything like me and so many others who live in this time of constant stimulation, you will also have a monkey brain. A hyperactive mind that jumps from one thought to the other, constantly thinking even when it is supposed not to, like when having a meaningful conversation or trying to sleep. You know what I mean.

Yoga teaches you how to calm the fluctuations of your mind. This does not mean ignoring them but observing them without becoming attached to them. Your mind may try to dictate your thoughts and feelings, but through yoga, you learn not to let it have complete control over you. 

Therefore, you learn to respond to situations and not react on a whim, which is a considerable achievement!


  1. It improves your self-esteem.

With consistent practice, you gradually develop both mental and physical strength. This allows you to stay more present during lessons, advance to the next level of an asana, or hold challenging poses with greater ease. Although these wins may seem small, they are significant milestones in your yogic journey and contribute to your personal growth.

Your dedication and perseverance will boost your confidence and enable you to achieve excellence.


  1. It promotes personal development.

Yoga is not just the asanas; it is far more than that. 

It is a philosophical system, yet it provides practical tools to help you improve your relationship with yourself and others. 

Yoga teaches you to center yourself and become more present and resilient; love your body for what it is: a magnificent vessel that carries you through life, enabling you to do amazing things!

You learn to think before you act and become more conscious, coping and thriving in challenging times.

It provides you with empowering skills that help you navigate life with grace. 

These are some benefits you can reap while practicing yoga, and certainly, there are far more than that.

As I tell my students, yoga is a journey, not a destination. 

In this journey, you explore yourself not in a self-centered way but in a meaningful, profound way.

Even if your intention is not to reach enlightenment, it will help you deepen your relationship with yourself and others and contribute positively to this world. 

How great would it be if we would work on ourselves to become a better version of it?

Just think about it.